Message from the Executives

Remembering Peter Pavlovski

I attach a letter from Gina Pavlovski in which she expresses thanks to everyone for the support shown after Peter’s tragic death.

I attach a letter from Gina Pavlovski in which she expresses thanks to everyone for the support shown after Peter’s tragic death.

As I have said before, the tragedy at Yorkdale brought out the very best in the TTC in the way everyone pulled together. From the crews that went to visit Gina on the Sunday, to the massive turn out at the funeral and other ceremonies.

I visited Gina last week to see how she was and to present the cheque from the trust fund. I can tell you that she really appreciates the support – support that I promised will always be there.

Andy Byford
Chief Executive Officer
December 20, 2012

The late Mr. Peter Pavlovski

To all of Peter’s TTC family:

I want to express our thanks on behalf of our entire family for everything every one of you has done or thought for us.

This has been an indescribable time for our family.

That Sunday evening when so many of you arrived at our home to share your support and stories of Peter was so meaningful to us. I really felt that a part of him I had not known was given back to me. I was often mad at him for working so hard and long hours and being away from us. But now I saw the other side and how much he meant to you all and all that he accomplished and meant to the TTC that I felt a little guilty for being mad at him.

I want you to know that he was very proud of you, when he would come home in the mornings he often told me what a great job you guys had done on certain jobs and how hard you had worked the night before. The bagels and coffee he would bring, you deserved.

All your support has been overwhelming. For those who knew Peter well, you know he was very humble and didn’t want anything from anyone; he was a giver not a taker. I am the same way, together we worked hard for what we had and wanted to do it on our own. I have a very hard time accepting all this support and help, but know in my heart he would have done the same for any of you.

The kids are doing fine, I am so grateful for this. I’m sure Peter is helping them through this, in his own way, somehow. They were his life and I hope in some way he is still there for them. I’m doing OK, trying to function, but cannot bear it at times without him here.

At some point, I would like to come and thank as many of you in person as I can. Please know how grateful and appreciative we are for everything.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts,
Gina, Kelsey, Andrew, Marissa and the rest of the family

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