Message from the Executives

2014 Customer Charter launched

Today, the TTC launched its second annual customer charter. You can find it on the intranet (TTC internal website) or at

Dear Colleagues,

Today, the TTC launched its second annual customer charter. You can find it on the intranet (TTC internal website) or at
The charter is our public commitment to continuous improvement of our service. It promises delivery of 39 time-bound improvements in areas that matter to customers.

There are specific commitments around the cleanliness of our system, the level and quality of information, and the further roll-out of new equipment like articulated buses, Rocket trains and, of course, the new streetcars. There is also a commitment around bus service reliability that is linked to the 20 additional Route Supervisors that we were able to secure via our recently agreed budget increase.

Ultimately, what really matters to customers is that their service should be safe, reliable and punctual. That remains our core focus. But in addition, we should be looking to drive up the quality of all other areas of our service and that is what the Customer Charter promises to do.

If a customer asks you about the charter, please refer them to our website and let them know they can track our progress there throughout the year.

Finally, and to reinforce what I have been saying around at employee town halls in recent months, I want you to know that I truly appreciate all of the hard work that you do. In the run up to the mayoral election, there will inevitably be increased focus on the TTC; more than ever, we need to all do our jobs to the best of our ability.

Customers continue to tell me that they think things are improving. To me, that’s what really matters. That’s down to the efforts of all 13,000 of you and I want to say thank you for the great job you continue to do each and every day.

Andy Byford
Chief Executive Officer
February 14, 2014

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