Court Convictions

TTC Victim Offence Pre-Trial Jail Sentence Probation & Court Orders
January 2017
Collector Mischief x 2, Utter Threats 18 days Withdrawn; Peace Bond Upfront diversion counselling; charges withdrawn on discretion of Crown.
Collector Assault with Weapon 88 days Time served; suspended sentence 88 days incarceration; DNA order.
Station Supervisor Utter Threats 6 days Time served (9 days enhanced) Suspended sentence; 18 months probation; not to panhandle/ solicit on TTC property.
Special Constable Assault Peace Officer, FTC Probation 6 days Time served (9 days enhanced) Suspended sentence; 18 months probation; not to panhandle/ solicit on TTC property.
Bus Operator Assault 2 days Time served (3 days enhanced) 2 years probation; no contact with Operator; 50 hours community service; attend counselling.
Streeetcar Operator Assault N/A Charges stayed; MH Diversion Completed mental health diversion; charges stayed on discretion of Crown.
Collector x 3 Robbery, Wearing Disguise, Imitation 909 days 7 years Federal prison; parole once sentence is completed.
Bus Operator Assault N/A Withdrawn Upfront diversion counseling; charges withdrawn on discretion of Crown.
Streetcar Operator Assault N/A Fine $65 1 year probation; attend counselling for anger management; keep the peace; be of good behavior.
Bus Operator Assault 54 days Time served plus 3 days Global resolution; 6 years incarceration for non-TTC related charges; 2 years probation; no contact with Operator.
Supervisor Assault, Mischief 1 day Fine $100; restitution $500 1 year probation; attend counselling for anger management; keep the peace; be of good behavior.
Fare Inspector x 2 Utter Threats, Weapons Dangerous 22 days Time served (33 days enhanced) 18 months probation; not to attend Spadina Stn; no contact with TFIs; anger management/ substance abuse counselling.


TTC Victim Offence Pre-Trial Jail Sentence Probation & Court Orders
February 2017
Bus Operator/ Supervisor Assault x 2 7 days Suspended sentence; time served 11 days enhanced; 2 years probation; counselling for substance addiction; no contact with complainants; no board 161 Rogers.
Bus Operator Utter Threat, Assault with Weapon 129 days Not competent to stand trial Not fit mentally; mental health treatment order (60 days); counselling for mental health ongoing.
Special Constables x 2 Assault Peace Officer x 2, Trespass Nil Diversion; charges withdrawn Diversion; 40 hours community service; anger management counseling.
Streetcar Operator Utter Threats 5 days Time served plus 1 day 1 year probation; no contact with Operator; no attend Broadview Station.
Special Constable Assault Peace Officer, Escape Custody 70 days Time served plus 1 day DNA order; no weapons for 10 years.
Special Constable & patron Assault x 2, Fail to Comply Probation 62 days Time served plus 1 day DNA order; no weapons for 5 years. 1 year probation; no contact with Special Constable.
Special Constable Theft Under, Assault to Resist 90 days Suspended sentence; time served 1 year probation; no contact with Special Constable.
Special Constable & 2 patrons Assault x 3 2 days Conditional discharge; $300 fine 2 years probation; 50 hours community service; no contact with patrons, Special Constables.
Special Constable x 2 Cause Disturbance, Assault, Mischief Nil Charges stayed Mental health diversion; counselling and restitution.
Bus Operator Utter Threat Nil Issued POT Victim did not wish to pursue criminal charges.
Bus Operator Mischief 4 days Charges stayed Mental health diversion; counselling.
Bus Operator Utter Threat Nil Issued POT Victim did not wish to pursue criminal charges.
Bus Operator & witness Weapons Dangerous 4 days Charges withdrawn Mental health diversion; counselling.


TTC Victim Offence Pre-Trial Jail Sentence Probation & Court Orders
March 2017
Fare Inspector Indecent Act 9 days Suspended sentence; fine $1,000 15 days noted on conviction; 2 year probation; DNA order.
Fare Inspector Assault Nil Withdrawn after diversion Diversion; 40 hours of community service; letter of apology.
Fare Inspector x 2 Assault x 2 Nil Conditional discharge, $200 fine 1 year probation; keep the peace; be of good behavior; not possess weapons.
Bus Operator Assault Nil Conditional discharge, $100 fine 1 year probation; keep the peace; be of good behavior; not to contact/ communicate with Operator; not possess weapons.
Collector & patron Utter Threat 3 days Withdrawn; Peace Bond Not to contact/ communicate with complainants; keep the peace; be of good behaviour.
Supervisor x 2 Assault x 2, Fail to Comply Probation 16 days Time served 16 days Fine $50.
TTC Service Mischief, Fail to Comply Probation 6 days Time served plus 1 day Current probation still in effect until 2019; not to attend any TTC property.
Special Constable Assault Peace Officer. Fraud Transportation Nil Withdrawn Completed 30 hours of community service; wrote an apology letter.
Bus Operator Assault 6 days Charges stayed Diversion; anger management/ substance abuse counselling.
Bus Operator Assault Nil Nil Issued Provincial Offences Ticket for public intoxication; victim did not want to pursue criminal charges.
Station Manager Assault, Uttering Threats Nil Suspended sentence; fine $100 1 year probation; keep the peace; be of good behavior; not possess weapons.
Special Constable x 2 Assault Peace Officer. Obstruct Nil Withdrawn after diversion Extrajudicial sanctions; young offender.
Collector Assault 60 days Time served 18 months probation; not to attend Dundas Station unless passing through on train; counselling; keep the peace; DNA order.
Bus Operator Mischief Nil Nil Absolute discharge.
Special Constable x 2 & female patron Utter Threats x 2, FTC Probation 3 days Nil Mental health diversion completed, charges marked stayed.
Special Constable Assault Peace Officer Nil Issued POT Victim did not want to pursue criminally.
Fare Inspector Assault Nil Issued provincial summons Victim did not want to pursue criminally.


TTC Victim Offence Pre-Trial Jail Sentence Probation & Court Orders
April 2017
Special Constable Fail to Comply Recog/ Probation 14 days Time served (credit for 20 days) Remains on probation until September 2017; not to attend any TTC stations.
Bus Operator Indecent Sex Act, Mischief 21 days Suspended sentence, time served Credit at enhanced, 32 days; 2 years probation; keep the peace; be of good behavior; attend counselling.
Fare Inspector Assault N/A Withdrawn after diversion Extrajudicial diversion; 20 hours community service.
Special Constable/ Service Equipment Mischief 6 days Time served plus 6 days With enhanced credit, 15 days; Remains on probation; keep the peace; be of good behaviour; no use TVM machines.
Special Constable & patrons Fail to Comply Probation 4 days Time served plus 8 days With enhanced credit, 14 days; remains on probation; keep the peace; be of good behaviour; no subway system.
Special Constable & patrons Weapons Dangerous/ Mischief 140 days Suspended sentence, time served 18 months probation; keep the peace; be of good behaviour; attend counseling-anger management.
Bus Operator Assault/ Weapons Dangerous 116 days Suspended sentence, time served With enhanced credit, 120 Days; 2 years probation; no contact or within 200 metres of Operator; substance abuse counselling.
Collector Utter Threat of Death x 2 8 days Suspended sentence With enhanced credit, 14 days; 18 months probation; no contact with Collector; no College Station.
Collector Utter Threats N/A Cautioned Victim did not wish to pursue criminal charges.
Collector & Special Constable Mischief, Fail to Comply Probation 3 days 18 days, fine $300 Remains on probation until September 2017; no attend at any stations.
TTC Provincial Prosecutor/ Special Constable Criminal Harassment, Assault Peace Officer 51 days 4 months Remains on probation until 2019; no TTC property, including vehicles.
Station Supervisor FTC,Utter Threats 38 days Suspended sentence 12 months probation; keep the peace; be of good behavior; no contact with employee.
Special Constable x 2 Assault Peace Officer x 3 3 days Conditional discharge, fine $100 6 months probation; no contact with SCs; , Attend counseling-anger management/ mental health.
Bus Operator Utter Threat 6 days Suspended sentence, fine $100 Conditional discharge; 20 months probation; no contact with Operator; attend counselling-mental health.
Bus Operator & Police Officer Assault, Assault Peace Officer, Utters Threats 4 days 50 days jail 12 months probation; no contact with Operator; no weapons for 10 years; counseling-anger management.
Station Supervisor Assault N/A Withdrawn after diversion 12 months peace bond; keep the peace; be of good behavior; no contact with Supervisor; apology letter provided.
Bus Operator Assault, FTC 6 days Suspended sentence, fine $100 12 months peace bond; keep the peace; be of good behavior.
Bus Operator Criminal Harassment 40 days Section 810 peace bond 12 months; no contact/ communication with Operator; not to be within 20 metres of Operator; no weapons.
Bus Operator x 2 Assault, Mischief 1 day Time served, credit for 2 days Young offender; extrajudicial sanctions and reprimand.


TTC Victim Offence Pre-Trial Jail Sentence Probation & Court Orders
May 2017
Station Supervisor Assault N/A Peace bond, charges withdrawn Peace bond for 6 months; not to contact Supervisor; no Union Station.
Bus Operator Utter Threat 10 days 90 days minus time served 2 Years probation; no contact with Operator; no vehicles on Dufferin; attend counseling-substance abuse.
Collector & patron Assault, Sexual Assault 1 day Withdrawn Accused not fit to stand trial.
Special Constable Assault with Weapon, FTC Recog 25 days Time served plus 5 days 1 year probation; no weapons.
Fare Inspector Utter Threat 30 days Time served plus 6 months conditional sentence 30 days house arrest; 5 months with curfew; no contact with Fare Inspector.
TTC Service Mischief, Endangering Life 82 days Time served Fine $100
Collector Utter Threat 8 days Time served Fine $25
Bus Operator Criminal Harassment 40 days Peace bond, charges withdrawn Peace bond for 1 year; no contact with Operator or 20 metres within.


TTC Victim Offence Pre-Trial Jail Sentence Probation & Court Orders
June 2017
Streetcar Operator Assault 60 days enhanced Suspended sentence DNA order; 12 months probation; keep the peace; be of good behavior; no contact with Operator.
Bus Operator Utter Threat 8 days enhanced Time served, fine $25 No probation conditions.
Bus Operator Assault, Fail to Comply Probation 12 days enhanced Suspended sentence 12 months probation; keep the peace; be of good behavior; no contact/ communication with Operator.
Bus Operator Utter Threat, Assault Peace Officer 11 days enhanced Suspended sentence 18 months probation; keep the peace; be of good behavior; no contact/ communication with Operator; counseling-substance abuse.
Streetcar Operator Assault 9 days enhanced Suspended sentence DNA order; 12 months probation; keep the peace; be of good behavior; no contact with Operator.
Divisional employee Assault, Criminal Harassment 46 days enhanced Time served plus 14 additional days 3 years probation; no contact with employee; counseling-substance abuse/ mental health/ anger management.
Bus Operator Weapons Dangerous 5 days enhanced Suspended sentence 12 months probation; keep the peace; be of good behavior; no weapons.
Bus Operator Assault, Mischief 2 days Charges stayed, mental health diversion Counselling-mental health.
Bus Operator & witnesses Armed Robbery, Firearms Offences 7 months 3 years jail Incident took place off property; however Bus Operator was witness as defendant boarded his bus.
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