2017 Milestones


  • 30 Years

    Bus Maintenance/Shops: Sam Bonnici, Linda Haupert
    Bus Transportation: David Broome, Patrick Dezilva, Shaffaqat Raja
    Customer Communications: Jane Garofalo
    Legal: Mina Stea Panza
    Materials/Procurement: Felicia Cannella
    Plant Maintenance: David Anirood, David Trimble
    Revenue Operations: Manuel Lim, Costantino Ruffolo
    Streetcar Maintenance/Infrastructure: Vito Stina
    Subway Transportation: James Hanna, Joseph Travaglio

  • 25 Years

    Engineering: Desmond Chiu
    Plant Maintenance: David Vaccaro
    Streetcar Maintenance/Infrastructure: Noel Thomas
    IT Services: Bernie O’Reilly

  • 20 Years

    Bus Maintenance/Shops: Beniamino Deprisco, John Engeldinger, Milfred Foster, Taras Lawryshyn, Noel Lewis
    Bus Transportation: Jeffrey Bascombe, Silvana Cantarella, Homan Chu, Casey Farhall, John Humphries, Christopher Jones, David Price, Galina Renke, Vince Service, Robert Smith, Roberto Tuccitto, Colvin Welch, Kevin Zenglein
    Materials/Procurement: Tony D’Angelo
    Revenue Operations: Joseph Camilleri, Aurel Craciunescu
    Rail Cars/Shops: Koon Chan, Michael Norman, Joe Scamolla
    Stations: Arnold Thomson
    Strategy/Service Planning: Graeme Parry
    Subway Transportation: Stephen Duncan, Mark Zalesky
    Wheel-Trans: Steven Beurling, Gary Lawson, Rick Machado, James McCarthy, Tony McEwen, Danny Tavares

  • 15 Years

    ATC Project: Giovanni Pugliese
    Bus Transportation: Samir Bahnesli, Cheryl Lee, Evdokia Potiriadis, Brian Williams
    Subway Transportation: Elsa Bazak, Claude Fearon, Gayle Heels
    Rail Cars/Shops: Ricardo Marquez
    Wheel-Trans: Scott Harrop, Aaron Hoehn

  • 10 Years

    Bus Maintenance/Shops: Jacob Chown
    Bus Transportation: Stephen Alyea, Valentine Bartlette, Graham Bos, Daniel Campos, Donato Evangelista, Jeffery Feeney, Roger Gray, Bereket Hagos, Ayanna Hazle, Delores James, Christopher Jumelet, Joseph Misljenovic, Shane Molto, Milton Pastor, Sukumar Purushothaman, Tiffany Russell, Sutharsan Sivagnanasegaram, Donavon Williams
    Legal: Lucy Siraco
    Subway Transportation: Carlos Pinheiro

  • 5 Years

    IT Services: Onder Erturk, Yanqiong Liang
    Plant Maintenance: Vishal Champaneri, Brennan Conti, Gil Cruz, Dung Nguyen, Pasquale Puopolo, Graham Thomson, Jeff Thurston, Bryan Williams
    Rail Cars/Shops: Dominic Ranieri
    Strategy/Service Planning: Matthew Hagg
    Subway Infrastructure: Bela Kacso, Joshua McIntyre

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