2017 Milestones


  • 50 Years

    Service Centre: Jackie Southorn

  • 40 Years

    Subway Infrastructure: Richard Phillips

  • 35 Years

    Customer Communications: Sandy Tsirlis

  • 30 Years

    Bus Maintenance/Shops: George Liambas
    Bus Transportation: Abel Figueiredo, Dimitrios Pappas, Malcolm Meyer, William Appolloni
    IT Services: Lewis Stafrace
    Service Centre: Manuela Martins
    Stations: Ruby Jostiak
    Strategy/Service Planning: Ken Broad
    Streetcar Maintenance: Filippo Constantino, Frank Segreti
    Subway Infrastructure: Maurice Dunn
    Subway Transportation: Paul Bescape, Richard Santilli
    Wheel-Trans: Lynn Middleton

  • 25 Years

    Bus Maintenance/Shops: Sergio Chianello
    Engineering: Istvan Szenasi
    Plant Maintenance: Kasey Chow
    Rail/Cars/Shops: Tony Nucaro
    Subway Infrastructure: Audrey Williams, Rosario Martino
    Wheel-Trans: Tony Tucci

  • 20 Years

    Bus Maintenance/Shops: Nick Petrucci, Peter Gordon, Ruben Naidoo, Vernon Douglas
    Bus Transportation: Alan Martin, Anthony Wallace, Audrey Wood Allen, John Sisera, Nelson Carreiro, Peter Dwomoh, Robert Valletta 
    Construction: Charles Lee
    Rail Cars/Shops: Brian Stein, Herminio Constantino, Leonardo Maturana
    Stations: Ashok Kapur
    Subway Infrastructure: Ali Asimofski, Keith O’Shell
    Subway Transportation: Rick Jokhan
    Training/Development: John Fokakis
    Wheel-Trans: Stanley Gazmin

  • 15 Years

    Bus Transportation: Athanasios Kollias, Cheryl Durnin, Daniel Araujo, Edgardo Hidalgo, Edward Wahl, Leroy Noble, Mario Grisafi, , Martin Lavallee, Nick Kottaras, Plutarch Nepomuceno, Sean Ingram, Shahid Malik, Syed Mahmud, Tammy Bishop, Timothy Kelleher, Tony Demelo, Wayne Simpson, Wendy Statt
    Plant Maintenance: Geoff Armitage
    Stations: Howard Trebilcock
    Subway Infrastructure: Peter Asafo Adjei, William Munro
    Subway Transportation: Anthony Viresi, Christopher Mackay, Dean Cavaco, Derek Green, Kevin Freeman, Marietheres Scannapiego
    Wheel-Trans: Roxanne Walker

  • 10 Years

    Bus Maintenance/Shops: Ricardo Pimentel
    Bus Transportation: Alexandros Michailidis, Byron Harris, Carlos Gois, Christina Barry, David Zappi, Dean Goode, Faith Jagon, Ioannis Mplias, Josesilva Carvalheiro, Lorrie Foden, Marc Boulianne, Michael Nicholson, Natasha Noel, Odean Noble, Raj Maharaj, Ranjan Batth, Ryan Heath, Ryan Rajmoolie, Scott Barry, Simone Carrington, Wilburn Henry
    Engineering: Janusz Sycz
    Plant Maintenance: Christopher Carter, Gordon Frew, Henadzi Saiko, James Mc Carron
    Rail Cars/Shops: Victor Qui
    Stations: Jackieann Lozer, Mehrdad Ohadi
    Streetcar Transportation: Ahmed Farah, Avni Lushaku, Sandra Therrien
    Subway Infrastructure: Andrew Savage, Michael Blackwood, Shao Wong
    Wheel-Trans: Paul Skipper

  • 5 Years

    Bus Maintenance/Shops: David Coates
    Bus Transportation: Amandeep Brar, Brian Pillay, Carlos Reyes, Charlene Ewing, Colin Pinder, Constantino Kotsopoulos, Dolladeer Gordon, Ferdinand Alvarez, Jessica Cochrane, Jimall Harvey, Joseph Macdonald, Joy Ravikumar, Kooj Allen Dick, Lisamarie Walter, Michael Williams, Oluwole Kushimo, Paramjit Sandhu, Paulo Kalra, Philip Abraham, Ruel Vergara, Shawn Williams, Vince D Arpino, Yu Ning,
    Construction: Ali Zafarani
    Engineering: Alexander Gelman, Tania Knafelc
    IT Services: Cherriepm Ng, Derek Lee
    Plant Maintenance: John Fric, Walter Jakubasz
    Portfolio Management Office: Donald Henderson
    Rail Cars/Shops: Alfred Kam, Brett Inwood, Chunilal Samaroo, Darin James, Dipesh Lad, Lionel Benjamin, Mark Peters, Nitan Malhotra, Robert Wylie
    Revenue Operations: Simo Korac
    Stations: Wilson Christian
    Streetcar Transportation: Bill Dimitradzos
    Streetcar Maintenance: Kinshing Lui
    Subway Infrastructure: Brian Grant, Duncan Moffat, Frankie Giustini, James Brown, Raffaele Greco, Shandey Bourque Adam
    Subway Transportation: Abdullatif Taha, Georgia Tsoumbris

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