Pensioners Reception
In this section
JIM ANDERSON, 29 years From Subway Transportation, Jim Anderson with his wife, Shannon.
LARRY ARMSTRONG, 33 years, 10 months Retired from Queensway Division.
MARK BARBEAU, 31 years, 6 months From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Mark Barbeau with his wife, Sue.
DEBBIE BATSTONE, 29 years, 4 months From Finance, Debbie Batstone and her husband, Bob.
CHERYL BILLINGHAM, 17 years, 4 months Retired from Russell Division.
DANNY BOND, 37 years Retired from Greenwood Carhouse.
TREVOR BROOKS, 33 years, 8 months From Streetcar Transportation, Trevor Brooks with his wife, Rosalie.
BRUCE BRYER, 33 years, 6 months Retired from Collectors Division
JOEYANNE BURY-GAWN, 21 years, 3 months Retired from Collectors Division.
JAMES BYERS, 17 years, 3 months From Bus Transportation, James Byers with his wife, Kathleen.
JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, 35 years, 1 month Retired Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Subway Operations.
ALLAN CLEMENTS, 28 years, 4 months From Bus Transportation, Allan Clements with his wife, Cathy.
VINCENZO DEVITO, 31 years, 9 months From Stations, Vincenzo DeVito with his wife, Nina.
SHELLY DILMAN, 30 years, 7 months From Subway Transportation, Shelly Dilman with his wife, Yona.
MIKE DONKNER, 33 years, 9 months From IT Services, Mike Donkner with his wife, Kathy.
MARK ELLARD, 31 years, 9 months From Service Delivery Control, Mark Ellard with his wife, Rose.
WILLAM ENGLAND, 42 years, 1 month Retired from Greenwood Shop.
CESAR ESCUDERO-WHU, 31 years, 7 months From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Cesar Escudero-Whu with his wife, Norma.
EULOGIO ESTACIO, 29 years, 10 months From Subway Infrastructure, Eulogio Estacio with his wife, Aurelia.
BRIAN FAIRBRASS, 32 years, 2 months From Rail Cars and Shops, Brian Fairbrass with his wife, Ann.
ROGER FOSTER, 27 years, 10 months From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Roger Foster with his wife, Cetia.
STEPHEN GARDNER, 34 years, 4 months From Subway Infrastructure, Stephen Gardner with his wife, Paula.
SALIM HIRJI, 34 years, 5 months Retired from Eglinton Division.
NAJMOOL HOSEIN, 25 years From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Najmool Hosein with his daughter, Farisha.
DAVE HUGHES, 42 years, 4 months From Revenue Operations, Dave Hughes and his wife, Maria.
BRUNO IANNACITO, 37 years, 4 months From Human Resources, Bruno Iannacito his wife, Lily.
CHERYL MCDONALD, 29 years, 2 months Retired from Finance, Accounting and Audit.
GEORGE MENDES, 29 years, 9 months From Bus Transportation, George Mendes with his wife, Judy.
CARMEL MERCIECA, 40 years, 1 month From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Carmel Mercieca with his wife, Teresa.
DINDIAL MISSIR, 27 years, 3 months From Stations, Dindial Missier with his wife, Kaylas.
HANIFMOHAMED MOHAMED, 27 years, 2 months From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Hanifmohamed Mohamed with his wife, Zuleka.
MOHAMED NOTTA, 29 years, 6 months Retired from Duncan Shop.
NOEL OCARROLL, 31 years, 10 months From Streetcar Transportation, Noell OCarroll with his wife, Jasmine.
ROCCO PAGNIELLO, 40 years Retired from Malvern Division.
SEBASTIAN SCHEMBRI, 30 years, 9 months From Materials and Procurement, Sebastian Schembri with his wife, Louise.
TOM SHERIDAN, 34 years From Subway Transportation, Tom Sheridan with his wife, Trish.
RAY SOBLE, 30 years, 3 months Retired from Birchmount Division.
ELIZABETH STERRITT, 31 years, 1 month From Bus Transportation, Elizabeth Sterritt with her husband, Bill.
DOMENICO SUPPA, 37 years From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Domenico Suppa with his wife, Carmela.
JOHN TAYLOR, 28 years, 8 months Retired from Danforth Division.
ALLAN TIMMS, 24 years, 9 months From Bus Transportation, Allan Timms with his wife, Nancy.
ANTONIO TUAZON, 25 years, 11 months From Bus Transportation, Antonio Tuazon with his wife, Myrna.
MICHAELL VELLA, 29 years, 8 months Retired from Surface Track Maintenance.
ROBERT WARD, 28 years, 4 months From Bus Transportation, Robert Ward with his wife, Vicky.
NOOR YUSUF, 33 years, 4 months Reitred from Transit Control.
JIM ANDERSON, 29 years From Subway Transportation, Jim Anderson with his wife, Shannon.
LARRY ARMSTRONG, 33 years, 10 months Retired from Queensway Division.
MARK BARBEAU, 31 years, 6 months From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Mark Barbeau with his wife, Sue.
DEBBIE BATSTONE, 29 years, 4 months From Finance, Debbie Batstone and her husband, Bob.
CHERYL BILLINGHAM, 17 years, 4 months Retired from Russell Division.
DANNY BOND, 37 years Retired from Greenwood Carhouse.
TREVOR BROOKS, 33 years, 8 months From Streetcar Transportation, Trevor Brooks with his wife, Rosalie.
BRUCE BRYER, 33 years, 6 months Retired from Collectors Division
JOEYANNE BURY-GAWN, 21 years, 3 months Retired from Collectors Division.
JAMES BYERS, 17 years, 3 months From Bus Transportation, James Byers with his wife, Kathleen.
JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, 35 years, 1 month Retired Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Subway Operations.
ALLAN CLEMENTS, 28 years, 4 months From Bus Transportation, Allan Clements with his wife, Cathy.
VINCENZO DEVITO, 31 years, 9 months From Stations, Vincenzo DeVito with his wife, Nina.
SHELLY DILMAN, 30 years, 7 months From Subway Transportation, Shelly Dilman with his wife, Yona.
MIKE DONKNER, 33 years, 9 months From IT Services, Mike Donkner with his wife, Kathy.
MARK ELLARD, 31 years, 9 months From Service Delivery Control, Mark Ellard with his wife, Rose.
WILLAM ENGLAND, 42 years, 1 month Retired from Greenwood Shop.
CESAR ESCUDERO-WHU, 31 years, 7 months From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Cesar Escudero-Whu with his wife, Norma.
EULOGIO ESTACIO, 29 years, 10 months From Subway Infrastructure, Eulogio Estacio with his wife, Aurelia.
BRIAN FAIRBRASS, 32 years, 2 months From Rail Cars and Shops, Brian Fairbrass with his wife, Ann.
ROGER FOSTER, 27 years, 10 months From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Roger Foster with his wife, Cetia.
STEPHEN GARDNER, 34 years, 4 months From Subway Infrastructure, Stephen Gardner with his wife, Paula.
SALIM HIRJI, 34 years, 5 months Retired from Eglinton Division.
NAJMOOL HOSEIN, 25 years From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Najmool Hosein with his daughter, Farisha.
DAVE HUGHES, 42 years, 4 months From Revenue Operations, Dave Hughes and his wife, Maria.
BRUNO IANNACITO, 37 years, 4 months From Human Resources, Bruno Iannacito his wife, Lily.
CHERYL MCDONALD, 29 years, 2 months Retired from Finance, Accounting and Audit.
GEORGE MENDES, 29 years, 9 months From Bus Transportation, George Mendes with his wife, Judy.
CARMEL MERCIECA, 40 years, 1 month From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Carmel Mercieca with his wife, Teresa.
DINDIAL MISSIR, 27 years, 3 months From Stations, Dindial Missier with his wife, Kaylas.
HANIFMOHAMED MOHAMED, 27 years, 2 months From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Hanifmohamed Mohamed with his wife, Zuleka.
MOHAMED NOTTA, 29 years, 6 months Retired from Duncan Shop.
NOEL OCARROLL, 31 years, 10 months From Streetcar Transportation, Noell OCarroll with his wife, Jasmine.
ROCCO PAGNIELLO, 40 years Retired from Malvern Division.
SEBASTIAN SCHEMBRI, 30 years, 9 months From Materials and Procurement, Sebastian Schembri with his wife, Louise.
TOM SHERIDAN, 34 years From Subway Transportation, Tom Sheridan with his wife, Trish.
RAY SOBLE, 30 years, 3 months Retired from Birchmount Division.
ELIZABETH STERRITT, 31 years, 1 month From Bus Transportation, Elizabeth Sterritt with her husband, Bill.
DOMENICO SUPPA, 37 years From Bus Maintenance and Shops, Domenico Suppa with his wife, Carmela.
JOHN TAYLOR, 28 years, 8 months Retired from Danforth Division.
ALLAN TIMMS, 24 years, 9 months From Bus Transportation, Allan Timms with his wife, Nancy.
ANTONIO TUAZON, 25 years, 11 months From Bus Transportation, Antonio Tuazon with his wife, Myrna.
MICHAELL VELLA, 29 years, 8 months Retired from Surface Track Maintenance.
ROBERT WARD, 28 years, 4 months From Bus Transportation, Robert Ward with his wife, Vicky.
NOOR YUSUF, 33 years, 4 months Reitred from Transit Control.